Accumulators for elastic deformation

Storage  systems kinetics  for eleastic deformation

Every system for storing kinetic energy basically consists of a rotating spring capable of storing energy through the plastic deformation of the structure, which can be absorbed or transferred to a medium popr network of a mechanical power system. Among these systems are the so-called flyers of inertia whose principle is based on the inability of the bodies to modify the state of rest or movement in which they are found, unless there is an external force that alters their state of equilibrium .
During the Industrial Revolution, steam engines used flywheels to supply energy to the factories and mills, currently the internal combustion engines of some cars and trucks use them to counteract the pulses of energy delivered by the pistons. But the most modern applications that are still in development are the use of flyers inertia as an energy accumulation system in electric cars, and in the field of energy solar and wind.
In the field of renewable energy, the application of energy accumulation by elastic deformation can help solve two important problems:
1. The variability of the available resource in the case of isolated generation in a network, which obliges the use of energy charging systems to provide the supply, or to specific supply systems to minimize fuel consumption used to power a redundant generator system of conventional type. Currently, in highly isolated places of electrical interconnection, several highly polluting electrogenic systems of the environment are used, with the consequent maintenance, performance, etc., so it seems interesting the possibility of replace them with inertial accumulators.
2. In the case of wind turbines, continuous variations in wind speed, imply almost instantaneous jumps both in mechanical loads and in the generated electrical power. In this case, the use of the elastic deformation storage system not only allows for the amortization of the loads produced by the wind, but also disseminates the effect of the regretful variation of the maximum absorbed power, largely in the form of kinetic energy. that would accumulate in systems of low weight and high torque performance.

Many of the energy applications generate energy surpluses which can be accumulated by simple storage applications that can only be used by the storage device, making it available for multitasking activities, making it possible for energy storage to be operated to fulfill multiple network functions, potentially reducing the level of income and the economic profitability of the project. We explicitly consider the benefits associated with change of energy time in bulk and postpone irregularities in production levels, generation capacity.
the selection of
the technologies also depend on the specificity in the use and the type of technology to be used, there is a wide range of energy storage technologies available today, covering from the early stages of development to commercially available devices, which are generally used to store the abnormal mechanical energy intervals for use in a way that contributes to the saving and management of final energy consumption, whether electrical, fossil or nonconventional. This broad definition defines us to consider a wide range of storage technologies.

Energy storage in torsion springs

The design proposes a torsion spring that is coupled with a pulley drive shaft assembly seeking to innovate in the concept of low-cost kinetic energy recovery system. especially in the loss of energy associated with braking processes or variability of the transmitted torque due to sudden increases or losses of speed. Energy storage and release operations are performed.
gradually and uniformly by using the combination of clutch systems and centrifugal speed regulation.
The storage of potential elastic energy in mechanical component systems occurs when spring or elastic bars are deformed by torsion or compression by the shareholder of an external force, the behavior of elastic elements in the face of alterations in their geometry is associated with the change in potential energy elastic per unit volume of the system, is used for power equipment and power mechanical systems, the resorts have been investigated and through the modal mode of analysis in finite elements, static and dynamic
A spring is a system of layers of transforming mechanical energy through its transformation into elastic potential energy, the transformation of kinetic energy to potential of the spring is determined by the initial and final position of the trajectory, and is equivalent to the work that the spring must perform to modify its geometry along a closed path, such that the amount of force required to modify its geometric shape by stretching or twisting on one or more of the spring axes, corresponds to the amount of energy actually stored between the turns of the spring and therefore defines the amount of work per unit of time that the material can induce inside the medium. When that amount of stress is induced in a system that increases above the certain value until the spring returns to its original position, the energy stored in the form of elastic pressure in an elastic material after deformation is calculated from a number of different geometries and loading conditions.
An energy storage system based on the coupling of a torsion spring with transmission shaft is theoretically proposed to be developed and experimentally tested, to store energy by elastic deformation. In the process of releasing energy, the storage system employs a shaft type madril to hold one of the ends of the spring which is fed at the opposite end, since its only function is to control the sudden changes in the power generated by it drive shaft to release deformation. energy to put the double feed motor in motion through the transmission system.

Transmission and storage of mechanical energy by axial deformation

Every new form of mechanical energy storage applies drastic change to the ecosystem for the storage of these in inadequate facilities where heat exchange is frequent, the storage of mechanical energy obtained by the application of an axial load in large tola type devices for the deposit and / or channeling of granular or pulverized materials, which is a chassis that allows transport, through the use of power transmission systems. through the use of coupled oscillators which can only put up with a non-permanent controlled deformation due to a external load with a high degree of a high degree of energy stored in the form of deformation, by means of a successive joint arrangement of the multiple compression springs that allow accumulation of large amount of energy obtained by adding the displacement amplitudes and the speed of a steady state discharge, since the state variables that define their behavior in a unit of time, with respect to time remain, invariant during finite intervals of weather.
The physical characteristics of the oscillator and the frequency of the applied force associated with the mass shedding. define not only the frequency w of energy storage, but also the amplitude of the displacement, the discharge of energy mechanics is controlled and the discharge controlled by the use of the ratchet winch system that allows the transmission of power over a long distance by means of the use of a rotating roller, around which a cable or a maroma is wound, causing the movement of a transmission shaft on which the load that soda will discharge in the previous instant is deposited.
The use of non-renewable energy sources for the supply of storage and transport systems of granular or pulverized materials, among others, in isolated places is one of the major causes of deforestation of large areas, due to the inaccessibility to conventional sources or non-conventional energy, in addition to the inconveniences of arbitrary contribution of space-time, the topographical limitations to the marginalized sectors of production, almost always causing a disagreement between energy supply and demand. For the user of these energies it is necessary, therefore, it is not only necessary to investigate and innovate in low-cost technologies that allow direct use of non-convincing and environmentally friendly energy sources, which have also been easily adapted to the environmental subsystem,
What will allow to have energy sources controllable and that can be used efficiently according to the needs of each of the projects.

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